The Oregon Department of Agriculture has completed its pesticide use investigation of an incident involving an aerial application to timber lands in Curry County last year that resulted in complaints of chemical exposure by residents in the area. The investigation, conducted by ODA’s Pesticides Program, finds multiple violations by the pesticide operator and applicator, and evidence that pesticides were present on residential properties in Cedar Valley, near Gold Beach. Due to the seriousness of the incident, ODA, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) are collaborating on enforcement actions. ODA has referred the case to EPA for potential violations of federal pesticide law. Once EPA has concluded its enforcement actions, ODA will address violations under the Oregon Pest Control Act and ODF will address violations of the Oregon Forest Practices Act.  ODA concludes that Pacific Air Research– a licensed commercial pesticide operator based in White City, Oregon– and its aerial applicator:  • allowed pesticide products to fall on properties other than the intended application site; • applied one product at a rate above the maximum allowed by the label instructions; •     provided multiple false records that misled ODA about the actual products used.  Each finding is a violation and may result in civil penalties to be determined.