ODFW release – NEWPORT, Ore – The 2021 Pacific halibut sport seasons and regulations were recently adopted by the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission: Columbia River Subareas (Leadbetter Pt., WA to Cape Falcon, OR: Nearshore season: Open Mondays through Wednesdays inside the 40-fathom line off the Oregon coast beginning May 10 until the 500-pound quota is met or through Sept. 30. All-depth season: Open dates are Thursdays and Sundays beginning Thursday, May 6 through Thursday May 27. If the 18,162-pound quota is not met, the fishery will open June 3 every Thursday and Sunday until quota is reach or Sept. 30. Central Coast Subarea (Cape Falcon to Humbug Mountain: Nearshore season: Opens Saturday, May 1 inside the 40-fathom line daily until the quota (32,808 pounds) is met or through Oct. 31. Spring all-depth season: Open May 13-15 and 20-22; June 3-5, 10-12, 17-19; and July 1-3. If the 172,244-pound quota is not met back-up dates are July 15-17 and 29-31. Summer all-depth season: Open Aug. 5-7 and every other Thursday, Friday, and Saturday until the 68,351-pound quota is met or Oct. 31. Southern Oregon Subarea (Humbug Mountain to OR/CA border): Open daily beginning May 1 until the 8,000-pound quota is met or through Oct. 31.