SALEM, Ore.—Oregon’s Fish and Wildlife Commission meets in Tillamook April 18-19 for a tour of area projects on Thursday and a meeting on Friday. To join the tour on Thursday, meet at the Terimore Motel, 5105 Crab Ave. W in Tillamook by 8 a.m. Members of the public who join the tour must provide their own lunch and transportation. Friday’s meeting starts at 8 a.m. at the Port of Tillamook, Officer’s Mess Hall, 6825 Officer Row. See the agenda here agenda page at least 48 hours in advance (by Wednesday, April 17 at 8 a.m.) To testify in person, sign up at the meeting using the paper forms provided. Comments can also be emailed to To testify on an agenda item virtually, register on the agenda page at least 48 hours in advance (by Wednesday, April 17 at 8 a.m.) To testify in person, sign up at the meeting using the paper forms provided. Comments can also be emailed to During the Director’s Report, ODFW will present the 2023 Annual Wolf Report and share information with the Commission on blue carbon (e.g. carbon stored in the ocean), habitat and working lands. Other agenda items include: 2024-25 Oregon Game Bird Regulations: Expand beardless turkey permit area; open the white and white-fronted goose season in the Mid-Columbia Goose Zone earlier; simplify wildlife area hunt process by removing requirement that hunters successful in a drawing purchase reservation daily hunt permit before checking in. Private Forest Accord (PFA) Grant Program: A new grant program administered by ODFW funds projects that provide a conservation benefit for the specific aquatic species addressed by Oregon Department of Forestry’s PFA Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP). Commission will consider funding of 25 projects recommended by the PFA Advisory Committee. Oregon Conservation and Recreation Fund (OCRF) Grant Program: Consider OCRF funding for an emergency funding request for the Palensky-Hwy 30 Wildlife Underpass to help provide safe migratory passage for the northern red-legged frog. Land acquisition: Approve the purchase of 3.86 acres of land in Redmond for a future ODFW office to replace the current Bend location and an additional 1,097 acres to add to the Minam River Wildlife Area. Pacific halibut seasons: The International Pacific Halibut Commission set this year’s fishery catch limit at 1.47 million pounds (for Area 2A – OR, WA, and CA) which is 50,000 pounds lower than last year. For a look at the proposed recreational season visit this map. Ocean salmon seasons: The Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC) recently adopted ocean salmon fishing regulations for federal-jurisdiction waters from three to 200 nautical miles offshore. The Commission will be asked to adopt matching permanent regulations for state jurisdiction waters (within three miles offshore.) See this map or this news release for more details on recreational ocean salmon fisheries. Commercial bay tidal clam harvest: Set new annual landing limits for the commercial bay clam dive fishery in Tillamook Bay established by temporary rule into permanent rule; and housekeeping change to title of related rule.