ODFW’s Conservation and Recreation Advisory Committee will meet virtually Aug. 1 for a Special Informational Workshop on Drought and Resilience Planning. SALEM, Ore. – The Oregon Conservation and Recreation Advisory Committee will meet virtually on Aug. 1, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., for an informational workshop that will focus on coordination, collaboration and alignment of Drought Package funding with other actions being taken throughout the state. OCRF received $4 million from the Oregon Legislature through House Bill 5202 as part of the Oregon Drought Relief package. The purposes of these funds are for enhancing ecosystem resilience, protecting and enhancing habitats and species in drought impacted areas, and promoting awareness of impacts from drought and a changing climate. For a full agenda and information about the workshop visit:
https://www.dfw.state.or.us/conservationstrategy/OCRF/meetings/080122.asp The Oregon Conservation and Recreation Fund (OCRF) is a public-private partnership that supports projects to implement the Oregon Conservation Strategy and connect people with the outdoors. The Advisory Committee provides recommendations on expenditures from the OCRF to the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission. More information on the OCRF can be found at OregonIsAlive.org.