ODFW release – NEWPORT, Ore. – ODFW invites the public to attend meetings in Pacific City and Port Orford where fishery managers will discuss the Commercial Black/Blue Rockfish and Nearshore Fishery. A virtual option is available. Meetings will be held 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.; Sept. 13: Pacific City, Kiawanda Community Center, 34600 Cape Kiwanda Dr. Sept. 14: Port Orford + virtual option. Port Orford Public Library, 1421 Oregon Str., Virtual: webinar held using Microsoft Teams. To join from your computer, tablet, or smartphone click this link or type it into your web browser address bar: https://tinyurl.com/3ee4yh75 To join from your phone, dial 1-503-446-4951, conference ID 640 585 413# Geared primarily to commercial fishers with black and blue rockfish and nearshore endorsed permits, the agenda and presentation includes: 2023 fishery landings to date. Federal management and assessment process. Process and options for setting 2024 state regulations on bi-monthly vessel catch limits. Commercial Nearshore Advisory Panel update. Input from industry and other interested parties. Those joining the Sept. 14 virtual meeting may need to download the free Teams app, and those who phone in may request an electronic copy of the meeting presentation in advance by calling 541-961-6924. Visit our website for more information on commercial black and blue rockfish and nearshore fisheries.