ODFW release – ROSEBURG, Ore – With recent low returns of summer steelhead to the North Umpqua basin, ODFW is seeking public input on potential fishery management actions. In 2021, summer steelhead returns declined in much of their range from Cape Blanco to British Columbia. Just 450 wild summer steelhead returned to the North Umpqua basin last year. This decline, along with fires and drought in the basin prompted ODFW to reassess the North Umpqua summer steelhead population and factors that may limit their abundance. Factors may include stream and ocean conditions, the hatchery program, and more. As ODFW determines if fishery management changes are necessary, public input on the hatchery summer steelhead program is needed. An upcoming workshop is the first of a multi-pronged approach to understand public attitudes and concerns related to hatchery and wild summer steelhead and climate change impacts in the Umpqua Basin. It is followed by a survey and virtual webinar. For information on the reassessment and public outreach, check the North Umpqua Summer Steelhead web page. March 29 public workshop (in-person) – ODFW is hosting a workshop in Roseburg at the Douglas County Fairgrounds Conference Hall building, Cascade West room March 29, 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. The workshop is limited to 100 participants and pre-registration is required. During the workshop, attendees will participate in various round table discussions centered on these topics and more. The interactive nature of the workshop ensures all voices are heard and stakeholders can discuss their views with those at their table. Each table will be facilitated, and participants will move between tables to cover all topics.