ODFW Seeking Volunteers to Serve for Sport & Commercial Fishing Interests, Aug. 12

SALEM, Ore. — The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife is seeking qualified applicants to fill a sport fishing position and a commercial salmon industry position on the Fish Restoration and Enhancement (R and E) Program Board. Interested individuals must apply by Sept.7, 2021. The ideal sport fishing candidate will be a resident of Oregon that is able to effectively represent the sport anglers of Oregon. Desirable attributes include involvement with local fishing groups or fish management, previous experience with boards or commissions, and knowledge of, or involvement with, the diverse sport fisheries across Oregon. The ideal commercial fishing candidate will be a resident of Oregon that is able to effectively represent Oregon’s commercial salmon industry. We encourage individuals that can represent seafood processors, the commercial troll fleet, or gillnet fleet to apply. Desirable attributes include involvement with local fishing groups or fish management, previous experience with boards or commissions, and knowledge of, or involvement with commercially caught salmon in Oregon. For more information and to obtain an application, go to the R and E Program website at https://www.dfw.state.or.us/fish/RE/board.asp or by contacting Kevin Herkamp, at (503) 947-6232 or kevin.herkamp@odfw.oregon.gov. The Fish Restoration and Enhancement Program was created by the Oregon Legislature in 1989 to help fund fish restoration and enhancement projects throughout the state. The program is funded by a surcharge on sport and commercial fishing licenses and commercial poundage fees and is overseen by a seven-member citizen board made up of three sport fishing representatives, three representatives from the commercial salmon industry (troll, gillnet and seafood processing) and one public-at-large representative. The Board reviews grant proposals from various organizations and agencies and recommends projects for funding. Board members, who are appointed to four-year terms by the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission, meet two to four times each year in various communities throughout the state to review project funding applications, hear public testimony, act as liaisons between the program and the public and to conduct other program business. Board members are volunteers; however, Board-related business expenses are reimbursed.