ODFW seeks comment on ODOT fish passage exemption request, Feb. 3

SALEM, Ore. – ODFW is seeking public comment on a fish passage exemption request submitted by the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT). The project specific details, including ODOT’s fish passage exemption application and ODFW’s benefit analysis, are available at http://www.dfw.state.or.us/fish/passage/ Comments are due by Feb. 20, 2020. ODOT plans to install a road crossing on an unnamed tributary to Senecal Creek in the Donald area (Marion County). This action has triggered Oregon’s fish passage laws and requirements. Given there is no appreciable fish habitat available at this location, ODOT seeks an exemption from providing fish passage.  According to Pete Baki, ODFW/ODOT Fish Passage Liaison, the Department may grant a fish passage exemption if there are no appreciable benefits to native migratory fish (NMF) if passage were provided. ODFW has made the initial determination that even if fish passage was provided at the Senecal Creek tributary crossing, the action would still result in no appreciable benefit to NMF. Therefore, unless public comments are provided that would affect the Department’s determinations, the exemption request may be approved. Members of the public can send written comments or request additional information from Pete Baki, ODFW-ODOT Fish Passage Liaison, 4034 Fairview Industrial Dr SE, Salem, OR 97303, Pete.a.Baki@state.or.us , (503) 947-6234. The fish passage waiver and exemption requests will be presented to the Oregon Fish Passage Task Force for their recommendation at an upcoming meeting at the ODFW Headquarters Office in Salem on Feb. 28, 2020. Public comments received will be provided to the Task Force for their consideration.