ODFW seeks members for new Oregon Entanglement Advisory Committee, April 12

ODFW release – NEWPORT, Ore. – The application period for a new fishery and marine life entanglement advisory committee opened Monday, April 11. The Oregon Entanglement Advisory Committee (OEAC) will serve as an advisory body to ODFW on efforts to reduce the risk of marine life entanglements in Dungeness crab gear. It will also support ODFW commitments detailed in Oregon’s conservation plan to reduce entanglement risk, which is currently being finalized. The OEAC will provide ODFW with information and broad perspectives from a range of stakeholders on strategies to support the co-occurrence of economically viable fixed gear fisheries and thriving marine life populations off Oregon. ODFW seeks members who represent the commercial crab industry (including different roles, ports, business plans, etc.), recreational crab community, and conservation organizations, as well as researchers and other subject matter experts (e.g., policy, gear, disentanglements, citizen science). The OEAC application period will close on May 20, 2022. The application and a notice with detailed instructions are available online. ODFW plans to convene the OEAC for a kick-off meeting this fall.