ODFW release – SALEM, Ore. – The Oregon Conservation and Recreation Fund request for grant proposals is now open and will close on March 27, 2023. Interested applicants should visit the OCRF grants webpage at: https://www.dfw.state.or.us/conservationstrategy/OCRF/grants.asp The maximum allowable grant request per institution and/or organization is $50,000 per project. Any public or private nonprofit may request funds and must have a tax-exempt status under the IRS Code Section 501(c)(3). Please note the newly required cap on institutional/organizational indirect overhead rates at 20% of the requested project budget as well as the updated project insurance guidelines. OCRF has supported more than 90 projects since forming in early 2020 and is a way for Oregonians to support projects that protect and enhance the species and habitats identified in the Oregon Conservation Strategy and to create new opportunities for wildlife watching, urban conservation, community science, and other wildlife-associated recreation. The OCRF Advisory Committee reviews proposals and provides recommendations on expenditures from the Fund to the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission. More information on the OCRF can be found at OregonIsAlive.org.