ODOT #Eclipse2017, June 13

Arrive early; stay put; leave late. Oregon could experience a cosmic traffic jam if one million people expected to travel into the path of totality to view the Aug. 21 eclipse in Oregon don’t properly plan ahead and come prepared. Many Oregon state agencies, including ODOT, are working hard to help everyone be prepared. All construction and non-emergency maintenance on state highways in the path of totality will be stopped Aug. 18-22, when eclipse watchers are here. Construction work could be curtailed in other parts of the state depending on traffic impact. You should: Help keep roads clear. Staying off the roads helps emergency service vehicles get through. Ride your bicycle when possible. Travel with friends. Joining friends and family for the trip to totality will reduce the number of cars on the road. Find carpool information at www.drivelessconnect.com. Meet your needs in advance. Take care of those errands before Aug. 21. Limit your trips in the days immediately around the eclipse to help keep roads clear. Be prepared. If you’re traveling, plan for basic needs such as food, water and bathroom breaks. Plan to get to where you need to be before you need to go! Expect traffic changes. Communities may close streets to through traffic or ban left or right turns to keep traffic moving, especially around large events. Caution friends and family: If visitors are coming, warn them to #DriveHealthy: Arrive early, stay put during the eclipse, and leave late afterwards so everyone doesn’t jump on the highways all at once. All travelers have a shared responsibility to stay safe. Consider working from home. Consider adjusting your work schedule in the days around the eclipse. We’re all in this together! Be prepared; help your neighbors. And please be kind to our visitors. For more information on #Eclipse2017, visit  http://traveloregon.com/trip-ideas/oregon-stories/eclipse/     http://www.oregon.gov/osp/sfm/pages/eclipse.aspx  https://eclipse2017.nasa.gov/  For graphic simulations of the eclipse, watch  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XX7AxZhPrqU from NASA   https://vimeo.com/156479698 from Larry Koehn on Vimeo