ODOT release – SALEM –ODOT is improving the accessibility of Oregon’s transportation system for all users by bringing nearly 26,000 curb ramps on our statewide transportation system into current American with Disabilities Act compliance. These improvements mean increased safety and more seamless access for people using mobility devices, parents with strollers, pedestrians and people on bikes and skateboards. “Every Oregonian deserves access to a safe and reliable transportation system and for too long that hasn’t been a reality for many of our most vulnerable travelers,” said Mac Lynde, Division Administrator for the Delivery and Operations Division at ODOT. “With funding now lined up, we’re going to transform our transportation system to make it accessible for every user.” What Improvement Looks Like – Constructing or remediating a curb ramp requires many steps and people to achieve full ADA compliance. For example: Designing curb ramps to fit the location using national best practices and guidance from the U.S. Access Board. Removing barriers in existing curb ramps like the size of the lip from the street to the curb ramp entrance. Making the slope on the ramp less steep and creating more room to maneuver. Ensuring inspection values (percent of slope, width, truncated domes, etc.) are within the acceptable range for a compliant ramp. ADA improvements will sometimes be integrated into larger, multifunctional transportation investment projects and sometimes will be stand-alone single function ADA curb ramp improvements. As we make these improvements across the state, we make every effort to minimize community impacts such as closures and detours. We want to get it right the first time, so we don’t have to disrupt the same community twice.