ODVA Vaccination Lottery, June 16

The Oregon Department of Veterans’ Affairs is informing veterans, spouses, employees and others who received their COVID-19 vaccine through the Federal VA Health Care System, on Tribal lands or out of state, that you will need to take an additional step to be entered in the state’s COVID-19 Lottery on June 28. While most vaccinated Oregonians were entered in the state’s drawing automatically, those who received their shots at the VA or out of state were not, due to privacy laws that prevent federal agencies from sharing protected information with state partners. Therefore, the State of Oregon is offering the chance for those who were not entered automatically to voluntarily self-register at takeyourshot.oregon.gov. The personal information you enter on this form will be held by the Oregon Health Authority and treated with the utmost confidentiality. It will be used for no other purpose than this drawing. For those who wish to enter, please ensure that you submit your registration form by June 27.