OHA aligns county community spread metrics with CDC, Aug. 10

Starting today, OHA will update the tracking and reporting of community spread of COVID-19 in Oregon counties to align with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) levels of community transmission by:  Switching from tracking the previous two full weeks to the previous full week from Sunday through Saturday,
Applying case rate per 100,000 and test positivity to all counties, and Adjusting terminology and case rate thresholds for the levels of community transmission (low, moderate, substantial or high). OHA will continue to report data on cases, case rates per 100,000 residents and test positivity by county in the County Community Transmission report on Mondays and in the Public Health Indicators dashboard on Tuesdays. The data will be presented by week and will show data from the previous four full weeks. Current county community transmission will be based on the previous week’s data. This will enable community partners to make informed decisions regarding screening testing in K–12 schools and in health care infection control practices.