OHA encourages providers to vaccinate at every opportunity, June 23

As more doses are reported unused due to reduced first-dose demand, OHA has encouraged providers to prioritize vaccinating Oregonians, even if it means opening a vial to use some doses while the remainder goes unused.  COVID-19 vaccine providers have done an outstanding job stewarding vaccines when they were scarce.  Now that our supply of vaccine has stabilized, it is time to look at this through a different lens. OHA encourages providers to vaccinate at every opportunity. Given COVID-19 vaccine vials contain up to 14 doses, we expect some vaccine will go unused. And that is OK. Vaccinated people are more important than unused vaccine. Providers with available vaccine may also use the Get Vaccinated Oregon tool to list their vaccine availability and clinic hours or connect with community-based organizations to support vaccine clinics in their area. At this point in the pandemic, we are going to stop the spread of COVID-19 one shot at a time.