OHA release – People who are eligible for Oregon Health Plan (OHP/Medicaid) will now get two years of uninterrupted coverage. Young children will keep OHP even longer: until their 6th birthday. This OHP expansion is particularly useful for people whose income frequently fluctuates, such as self-employed people, substitute teachers and seasonal workers. So, if you find yourself with less income one month, and you apply and qualify based on that month’s income, you will keep that coverage for two years. This will prevent people from moving back and forth between different health plans. Before the pandemic, OHP coverage was renewed annually and ended the month after a member’s income rose. During the pandemic, everyone on OHP kept their coverage non-stop. Now, with the end of the public health emergency, OHA is reviewing eligibility for all OHP members. Members who are still eligible after this process will keep their coverage for two more years without interruption, whether their income changes or not. The same two-year coverage rule applies to new OHP members as well. OHP members should be on the lookout for renewal letters in the regular mail through mid-2024, which may require members to take action such as sending in documents or filling out a renewal form. It’s important to keep your contact information up to date so you get your renewal instructions. For questions, call the OHP Customer Service Center at 800-699-9075 (all relay calls accepted, and help is available in multiple languages).