ONG & National Preparedness Month, Sept. 24

It is National Preparedness Month and the Oregon Military Department is supporting a 2-Weeks Ready campaign, launched by the Oregon Office of Emergency Management, to encourage individuals to have safety items, food, water and other day-to-day needs for at least two weeks in the aftermath of an emergency or disaster such as a Cascadia earthquake and tsunami. This is especially important for guard members, first responders and their families who will come to the aid of Oregonians affected by whatever disaster occurs, whether it’s a power outage, wildfire, flood or earthquake. “As all guardsmen know, one of the most important things we do is play the home game. That means we are available for response when the Governor calls,” said Lt. Col. Martin Balakas, the Joint Director of Domestic Support for the Oregon National Guard. “Post disaster it’s important that we as guardsmen are ‘2-Weeks ready’ and make sure our families are prepared so that when something happens we can become responders instead of victims.”  Balakas said with every Soldier or Airman ready to respond, the chances of the Oregon National Guard being able to come to the aid of those in need increases significantly.  “By modeling preparedness we can inspire others in our community as well,” he added. The Oregon National Guard has committed to continue to provide outreach and training for Oregon National Guard members and their families so Soldiers and Airmen in Oregon are ready when they are called upon.