Open House on Possible Habitat Conservation Plan, March 14

The Oregon Department of Forestry is hosting a public kick-off meeting on Thursday, March 21, providing an opportunity to learn more about a potential Habitat Conservation Plan for state forestlands west of the Cascades. The Western Oregon HCP Kick-Off Meeting is an opportunity for interested parties to learn about the HCP process and timeline, meet the agencies and other stakeholders engaged in the effort, ask questions and provide comments. This event is open to the public. Information available will include the timeline and milestones, species being considered for HCP coverage, and how agencies and stakeholders can be involved in the process. This meeting is the first of many anticipated future opportunities to engage in the HCP and is meant as a high-level overview and introduction to the process. Please note that the Elliott State Forest, which is no longer managed by ODF, is not part of this process. Date: Thursday, March 21; Time: 1 – 3 p.m. meeting, followed by an informal meet-n-greet from 3–4 p.m. with the project team. Where: Broadway Commons, 1300 Broadway St. NE, Salem OR 97301. RSVP: In-person attendance is encouraged. A link to view the presentation and listen to meeting audio online will be posted on the HCP project page. Please RSVP: This meeting is open to the public and primarily intended for those with an interest in management of Oregon’s forests. RSVP is requested.