Open house to be held at Madison School, March 8

CBSD release – Madison School Community invited to tour newly-rebuilt school After decades of use, Madison Elementary School was showing its age. Not anymore. Thanks to money from the 2017 bond, Madison has been given a new lease on life, as the school was rebuilt, expanded and the aging school was turned into an almost new gem that will serve students for decades. March 8, Coos Bay School District will open the school to the community during an open house that begins at 5:30 p.m. District leaders and Madison Principal Carli Ainsworth will briefly share about the upgrades at the school before those who attend are allowed to tour the school on their own. The renovation at Madison gives Coos Bay basically three new school thanks to the voters’ approval of Measure 6-166 in 2017. The $59.9 million bond has been used to build Eastside School and Marshfield Junior High. The district has also been able to rebuild Madison and make improvements to Sunset School and Marshfield High School. Next school year, the final remaining bond funds will be used to replace the roof and ventilation systems at Millicoma School. At Madison, the old school still exists, but it sits inside the expanded and upgraded facility that makes everything look new and exciting. Ainsworth and Superintendent Charis McGaughy are excited to open the school to the community, giving parents and others a look inside the rebuilt school just one semester after students began using it. McGaughy said she hopes the community will come out and get a look at how their tax funds are being spent to improve student outcomes. The open house is scheduled at 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, March 8. School administrators will be present to answer questions. Cookies and drinks will also be provided.