OPRD release – SALEM, Ore—The Oregon Parks and Recreation Department’s Exclusion Rule Advisory Committee will meet for the second time on Aug. 11 to consider recommendations to update the rules for excluding individuals from Oregon State Parks who commit violations, including endangering the safety of visitors and staff. The rule advisory committee includes representatives from the mental health community, attorneys, agency safety staff and park hosts. The rule advisory committee will develop a set of recommendations to update OPRD’s current processes described under Oregon Administrative Rules 736-010-0020 and 736-021-0400 for excluding individuals who violate state park and ocean shore rules. The committee’s second meeting is 1 to 3 p.m. Aug. 11. The public can watch the meeting online at https://www.youtube.com/@oprddirectorsoffice5783/streams. A third meeting will be held 1 to 3 p.m. Sept. 8 and will also be available to watch live online. All meetings are recorded and will be available online. OPRD appointed ten members to the advisory committee including community members, OPRD staff and volunteers. The committee intends to present its recommendations to the Oregon State Parks and Recreation Commission with a request to open the proposed rules for public comment later this fall. Individuals who require special accommodations to view the meetings should contact Helena Kesch at least three days in advance of the meeting at Helena.KESCH@oprd.oregon.gov or 503-881-4637.