OPRD Opens Public Comment Period on Hunting within State Parks, Dec. 7

The public is invited to comment on proposed amendments to the Oregon Administrative Rules guiding hunting within Oregon state parks. The Oregon Parks and Recreation Department is seeking to clarify where hunting is allowed while ensuring safety for all visitors. The department is accepting public comment through 5 p.m. Jan. 27, 2022. Comments can be submitted via: Virtual Public Meeting: 6 p.m. January 18, 2022. Registration is required at https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_x8RMpYrpRXKbQ6XTbGwNHQ Online: oregon.gov/OPRD/PRP/Pages/PRP-rulemaking.aspx By email: OPRD.publiccomment@oregon.gov By mail: Oregon Parks and Recreation Department, Attn: Helena Kesch, 725 Summer St. NE., Suite C, Salem, OR 97301. Hunting is permitted in several state parks where public safety risk is low, and the activity is subject to Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife rules and regulations. The proposed rule change will clarify hunting boundaries and create clearly signed “safety zones” where hunting is not allowed. It will also require an OPRD hunting map to be located on the agency website that clearly shows hunting boundaries. A full copy of the proposed amendments is posted on the Proposed OPRD Rules web page. OPRD appointed members to the advisory committee. Members include representatives of the hunting community, conservationists and officials from ODFW and Oregon State Police Fish and Wildlife Division. Individuals who require special accommodations to view the meetings should contact Helena Kesch at least three days in advance of the meeting at helena.kesch@oprd.oregon.gov or 503-881-4637.