ODVA release – The next meeting of the Advisory Committee to the Oregon Department of Veterans’ Affairs will be held Wednesday, June 1, 2022, via Zoom. The meeting is being held virtually and begins at 9:30 a.m. The public is invited to attend. The committee is made up of veterans appointed by the governor to provide counsel on veteran issues and represent veteran concerns across Oregon. Its nine members serve in a vital advisory role to the director and staff of the Oregon Department of Veterans’ Affairs. ODVA’s Reports to the Advisory Committee are available to the public on the ODVA website: https://issuu.com/odva/stacks/38107bb40c054695831edf5634865ca4 To attend: You will need to pre-register using this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwudeirrzksEtLtNYa_M71dTFtv1n1qCONv Pre-registration is required. Once pre-registered you will receive the meeting link. Join by Zoom via Telephone: Dial 1 (253) 215-8782. When prompted, enter the meeting ID: 883 2131 2686 # and password/participant ID: 708263# You will be prompted to state your name. State your first and last name. Town Hall: There will be a Town Hall at the end of the business meeting in which we invite you to ask questions of the committee and director. This time is set aside for individuals to bring up broader veteran community issues. Members of the community are also invited to submit written public comments to the Committee at the following email address: vaac@odva.state.or.us More information can be found online at www.oregon.gov/odva/Pages/advisory.aspx or to contact the Advisory Committee, please email vaac@odva.state.or.us