Oregon Albacore Commission, May 11

Public Meeting and Budget Hearing -Monday, May 11, 2020, 12:00pm – 3:00pm, Zoom/Conference Call (If you wish to participate, contact the OAC), Proposed Agenda: 12:00 Regulatory Discussion, ODFW/PFMC Update – Jessica Watson, ODFW; Keith Matteson, ODFW, WFOA/AFRF Update – Rick Goche, 2020 Albacore Fishing Regime, COVID19 impact on markets – guidelines for selling to the public. 12:45 Postponed Event with Restaurant/Retail Servers Update, “Fleet is In” Ads for 2020? 1:00 Administrative Report – Nancy Fitzpatrick, Approval of Meeting Minutes – Nov. 21, 2019, Feb. 26, 2020 & April 22, 2020, Approval of Financial Reports – Nov & Dec 2019, Jan – April 2020, Secretary of State Letter for Audit of FY 2019/20, Department of Agriculture Update – Kris Anderson, Commissioners terms Fisherman seat available, Extend Master Agreement with the Agriculture Research Foundation, OAC plan to continue operations during a disaster – add to Policy & Procedures. 1:30 Public Hearing for FY 2020/21 Budget, – Review FY 2019/20 Budget and FY 2020/21 Proposed Budget, – Budget Questions and Modifications by Commissioners and Staff, – Public Testimony and Questions, – Close Public Hearing, Resume Public Meeting – Commission Adoption of FY 2020/21 Budget, – Approve Operational Plan for FY 2020/21, – Contracts for FY 2020/21, – Policy & Procedures Manual – no changes, – Election of Officers for FY 2020/21, – OAC Contractor Appraisal, – Other Business, – Next Meeting (Fall meeting – joint with OSC to discuss future administration), Adjourn, Agenda additions may be brought to the attention of the Chair at the start of the meeting.