Oregon Board of Forestry Advisory Committees to Meet, Jan. 15

The Northwest and Southwest Oregon Regional Forest Practice Committees will meet jointly January 15 in Molalla from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. They will discuss forest practices rules including those affecting riparian (streamside) areas. The meeting includes a field portion with an on-site forest visit. On the agenda: The majority of the meeting will be spent moving discussions forward about forest practice rules that apply to streamside management. Introductions by ODF’s Angie Lane, policy analyst, will be followed by discussions about best management practices for streamside management and protecting water quality. Attendees, including staff and committee members, will visit a forested site to discuss potential prescriptions for streamside management including buffers around streams, shade requirements and recommendations to meet water temperature standards. This public meeting will be held in the conference room of the Molalla Fire Department at 320 S. Molalla Avenue in Molalla, Oregon. About the Regional Forest Practice Committees Regional Forest Practice Committees are panels of citizens – mandated under Oregon law – that advise the Oregon Board of Forestry on current forestry issues and forest management approaches. Three Regional Forest Practice Committees, serving the Northwest, Southwest and Eastern regions of the state, were created by the 1971 Oregon Forest Practices Act. Under Oregon law, a majority of Regional Forest Practice Committees members must be private forest landowners and logging or forest operations companies. Anyone may attend the meeting. Please bring a lunch and water as well as personal transportation and dress appropriately in field gear. Parking: There is parking behind the Fire Station or on the street. Enter conference room at rear of the station, please do not use main entrance. The meeting is accessible to persons with disabilities. Requests for an interpreter for the hearing impaired or other accommodations for persons with disabilities should be made at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. For questions about accessibility or special accommodations please call 503-945-7502.