Oregon Coast Education Program summer Field Workshop for Teachers, July 21

Registration deadline is July 24. Come to the coast this summer to learn about how the Oregon Coast Education Program (OCEP) can support. coastal and marine science education for you and your students! Educators will take part in an in-depth multi-day. Experience exploring coastal ecology, habitats, climate connections and human impacts in coastal and ocean habitats around Charleston (near Coos Bay). We will use online data resources and practices from Teachers On The Estuary (TOTE) and the OCEP coastal education modules. In addition, teachers will learn about place-based science content, water quality analysis, field experience preparation and reflection techniques, and connections to the Next Generation Science Standards. Following the workshop, OCEP coordinators will continue to support you in the implementation of your coastal education plan (CEP) during the school year. OCEP facilitators will meet with participants in their regions in the Fall and Winter to extend connections and integrate additional teaching partners. OCEP teachers who implement a CEP and provide evaluation materials will receive a $150 stipend for participation at the conclusion of the 2015-16 school year. This summer workshop includes: • 3 nights of dorm-style lodging, meals and materials on the coast; • Registration discount for NAME members*; • PDU and CE credits available through PSU (at your expense); • CEP curriculum planning time; • Invitation to participate in Fall and Winter 1/2 day follow up meetings in YOUR region; • Opportunity to obtain a $150 stipend; *Registration fee is $90 per person or $75 for Northwest Aquatic and Marine Educators members.