Oregon commodity commissions seek to fill open positions, April 6

The Oregon Department of Agriculture is seeking applicants to fill open positions on the state’s 23 agricultural and commercial fisheries commodity commissions. ODA Director Katy Coba appoints commissioners to make decisions about how producer assessments are spent on promotion, education, and research projects funded by each commodity commission. Most appointments are for a three-year term beginning July 1, 2015. The Oregon Potato Commission and Oregon Orchardgrass Seed Commission have openings for four-year terms. Some of the appointments will be less than three years because they complete unexpired terms. Applicants for producer or handler positions on any commodity commission must be a US citizen, an Oregon resident, and have paid or collected the assessment for the particular commodity for at least three years, or four years in some cases. Several of the vacant positions are for public members. A public member must also be a US citizen, an Oregon resident, and have an active interest in improving economic conditions for that particular commodity. A public member cannot be directly associated with the production or handling of the particular commodity served by the commission they seek to serve. Director Coba will begin making appointments in early May as soon as ODA receives at least one applicant for each opening on a particular commission. A suggested deadline for applications is April 30, 2015 but applications will be accepted until each position is filled. The following Oregon Commodity Commissions are seeking applicants for appointment: Oregon Albacore Commission – 1 producer, 1 handler; Oregon Alfalfa Seed Commission – 1 producer, 1 handler; Oregon Beef Council – 1 beef producer, 1 dairy producer, 1 handler, 1 public member; Oregon Blueberry Commission – 2 producers, 1 public member; Oregon Clover Seed Commission – 3 producers, 1 public member; Oregon Dairy Products Commission – 1 Southern Oregon producer, 1 Eastern Oregon producer; Oregon Dungeness Crab Commission – 1 producer, 1 handler, 1 public member; Oregon Fine Fescue Commission – 1 Union County producer, 1 state-at-large producer, 1 public member; Oregon Hazelnut Commission – 2 producers, 1 handler; Oregon Hop Commission – 3 producers; Oregon Mint Commission – 1 producer, 1 handler; Oregon Orchardgrass Commission – 1 public member; Oregon Potato Commission – 1 Blue Mountain District producer, 1 public member; Oregon Processed Vegetable Commission – 3 producers, 1 handler; Oregon Raspberry & Blackberry Commission – 1 producer, 1 public member; Oregon Ryegrass Seed Commission – 1 Benton or Lane County producer, 1 state-at-large producer, 1 handler; Oregon Sheep Commission –1 handler, 1 public member; Oregon Strawberry Commission – 1 producer, 1 public member; Oregon Sweet Cherry Commission – 2 Wasco or Hood River county producers, 1 Western Oregon producer, 1 Eastern Oregon producer, 1 public member; Oregon Tall Fescue Commission – 1 producers, 1 public member; Oregon Wheat Commission – 1 West of Cascades producer, 1 East of Cascades producer (excluding Gilliam, Jefferson, Morrow, Sherman, Umatilla, and Wasco counties), 1 handler. For more information on qualifications and a complete listing of openings, go to <http://www.oregon.gov/ODA/programs/MarketAccess/Pages/OregonCommodityCommissions.aspx> or contact Commodity Commission Program Manager Kris Anderson at 503-872-6600.