Oregon Dept. of Forestry Akawana Fire Update, June 13

Oregon Department of Forestry, Incident Management Team 3, Link Smith, Incident Commander, Information: www.facebook.com/odfcentraloregon, http://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/4772; Type of Incident: Wildfire; Cause: Lightning; Date of Origin: June 7, 2016; Location: Akawana Butte, 13 miles North of Sisters; Types of Fuel: Grass, Brush and Timber; Structures Threatened: 0; Structures Damaged: 0; Residences Destroyed: 0; Current Size: 2,094 acres; Percent Containment: 80%; Number of Personnel: 537; Hand Crews: 21; Engines 16; Dozers 5; Water Tenders 11; Skidgines 5 (track equipment with a water tank and pump); Helicopters 6; Note: It was another great day on the fireline. Firefighters continued aggressive mop-up, making sure that this fire will not reignite and flare up later this summer. No additional growth has occurred in the last operational period. The size remains 2,094 acres and is now 80 percent contained. A warming trend and stronger winds are expected tomorrow that will pose a mild test to containment lines.