Oregon Dungeness Crab, Aug. 17

The Oregon commercial Dungeness Crab season ended Friday, Aug. 14. Preliminary reports show crabbers landed just over 8-million lbs. of crab to processors between Astoria and Brookings. That total would be a 14-year low for the industry. The season begins in December and the bulk of the catch is landed during the first two-months. Hugh Link, executive director of the Oregon Dungeness Crab Commission, says Newport was the top port for landings this year 2.5 mlbs, Astoria was second at 2.14 mlbs, followed by Charleston with 2.13 mlbs. The 8.1 million pounds coastwide is far less than the 14.2 mlbs last year and is well off the 10-year average of 19.3 mlbs. Link adds the industry is cyclical, and crabbers are hoping the upturn begins next year. Landings in Charleston were worth about $8.7 million to the fishermen this year. Link say adding a multiplier of 2.0, and the economic impact to the Bay Area was about $16 million. Brookings landed 380,000 lbs. this year and Port Orford 321,000. There are 423 licensed commercial crabbers in Oregon.