Oregon Dungeness Crab Commission, March 18

Special Meeting* Via Video Conference call, March 18, 2020, 8:30 am. – 1:30 pm. AGENDA: 8:30 am – Public Meeting; 1. Call to Order/Introductions – Crystal Adams, Chairman; 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes; 3. Approval of Financial Reports; 4. Old Business; • Whale Entanglement project update (Leigh Torres); • Fisheries Improvement Project (FIP) and discussion; • Electronic logbook – Gway Kirchner; • Bioeconomic Model project update (Shannon Davis); 5. ODFW Report; 6. Coastal issues; • Charleston Ice House; • Ocean Acidification updates; • ODCAC status/update; • Sea Otter Re-Introduction; 7. ODA Report – Staff; 8. New Business; • Donation/Funding Requests; • Marketing & Promotional Opportunities; • Out-of-State Travel; 9. Date, Time & Location of next meeting; 1:30 pm – Adjourn. Agenda additions may be brought to the attention of the Chairman at the start of the meeting. Times are approximate and are subject to change.