Hello, We want to make sure you knew that federal law is ending the extra $600 per week (FPUC) unemployment payment on July 25. We know this is hard to hear, and we’re sorry we have to stop sending you these payments.  What’s next: After July 25, you will still get your regular unemployment benefits or Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) benefits for each week that you are eligible and you file a weekly claim. You will no longer get the extra $600 each week. Retroactive payments: If you haven’t yet been paid for weeks between March 29 and July 25, you will still get the extra $600 per week for those weeks once your claim is processed, for all weeks you were eligible. You may get several payments at once. Other benefits for you: We want you to know that you may qualify for more benefits than unemployment, like help paying for rent, utility bills, food, and more. You might also qualify for a free or low-cost health plan. Go to 211info.org or call 2-1-1 to learn more. Free interpretation is provided. We hope that Congress will extend the FPUC program or come up with a solution that is able to be easily implemented so Oregonians can get more relief—and quickly. Sincerely, David Gerstenfeld, Acting Director, Oregon Employment Department.