OPRD release – SALEM, Oregon – The Oregon Heritage Commission will meet via zoom on May 20. The meeting will include approval of the 2024 Oregon Museum Grant recommendations. To view the full agenda and/or to register for the virtual meeting visit here. Special accommodations for the meeting – including translation services – may be made by calling (503) 986‐0690 or Mary.Newcomb@oprd.oregon.gov at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting. There is one appointed position currently vacant on the Oregon Heritage Commission and two positions that will become vacant July 2024. The Heritage Commission is especially seeking members with knowledge and experience related to community institutions, heritage tourism, or education/higher education and who have experience working with diverse cultural groups. The Commission seeks applications from those that live in the Southern, Willamette Valley, and Central Oregon area. The Heritage Commission’s nine members represent a diversity of cultural, geographic, and institutional interests. The Commission is the primary agency for coordination of heritage activities in the state. This includes carrying out the Oregon Heritage Plan, increasing efficiency and avoiding duplication among interest groups, developing plans for coordination among agencies and organizations, encouraging tourism related to heritage resources, and coordinating statewide anniversary commemorations. The group meets four-six times per year in changing locations around the state and will offer virtual options to attend meetings. Commissioners are also asked to occasionally participate in meetings or events in their regions and work on other projects outside of meeting time. Appointed Commissioners are reimbursed for their travel and related expenses while conducting official commission business. More information about the Oregon Heritage Commission is available online at www.oregonheritage.org and from Commission Coordinator Katie Henry at 503-877-8834 or katie.henry@oprd.oregon.gov. To request appointment, go to Governor Tina Kotek’s Boards and Commissions webpage at https://www.oregon.gov/gov/Pages/board-list.aspx.