OPRD release – SALEM, Oregon – Oregon Main Street (OMS) has accepted the Canyonville Main Street Association, Sherwood Main Street, Historic Downtown Gresham Business Association, and Riddle Downtown Development at the Affiliated Main Street level of the OMS Network. Communities participating at this level have a high degree of commitment to using the nationally recognized place-based Main Street Approach™ methodology to create lasting impact in enhancing their historic downtowns. Affiliated Main Street level communities must have a cohesive core of historic or older commercial and mixed-use buildings that represent the community’s architectural heritage and may include compatible in-fill. They must also have a sufficient mass of businesses, buildings, and density to be effective, as well as be a compact and pedestrian-oriented district. The primary emphasis of the Affiliated Main Street level is to provide technical assistance to program’s in their formative years. Acceptance into this level allows communities to participate in training, community assessments, technical assistance, and receive local capacity building support. There isn’t a fee to participate in the Oregon Main Street Network. The selection process included submitting an application that describes their district, previous efforts to improve downtown, readiness to implement the Main Street Approach™, board development efforts, in addition to other criteria. Currently, there are 100 communities in Oregon participating in one of the four levels of the Oregon Main Street Network: Accredited Main Street, Designated Main Street, Affiliated Main Street, and Connected Communities. Sherwood Main Street and the Canyonville Main Street Association were already participating at the Connected Communities level. Riddle Downtown Development was a previous member but had been at the inactive status for a number of years. The Historic Downtown Gresham Business Association is joining the Network for the first time. Oregon Main Street is part of Oregon Heritage in Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. Contact: Sheri Stuart at sheri.stuart@oprd.oregon.gov or 503.986.0679.