Oregon Outdoor Recreation Committee, Feb. 10

OPRD release – The Oregon Outdoor Recreation Committee (OORC) will meet online to evaluate grant applications for the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). Committee members will rank and establish a priority list of applications from around the state for projects to develop or rehabilitate public outdoor recreation areas and facilities. Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD) administers this federally funded grant program.  The meeting is scheduled for 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Feb. 10, 2022. It is open to the public, but no public comment time is scheduled. View the agenda at oregon.gov/oprd/GRA/Documents/LWCF-2022-OORC-Agenda.pdf for a list of project proposals and link to the online meeting. Recommendations from the OORC will be submitted to the Oregon State Parks Commission for review and approval at their April meeting. OPRD will then forward approved project proposals to the National Park Service for final approval. The OORC is made up of nine members who represent a variety of interests and are appointed by the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department director. LWCF is a financial assistance program of the National Park Service. LWCF grants provide matching funds to state and local governments for acquiring and developing public outdoor recreation areas and facilities. Since 1964, this national grant has awarded more than $60 million for Oregon recreational areas and facilities. Information is on the LWCF web page on the OPRD website. Individuals who require special accommodations to view the meeting should contact Nohemi Enciso by Feb. 7 at 503-480-9092 or nohemi.enciso@oprd.oregon.gov.