OPRD release – Salem, Oregon—Two positions on the Oregon Outdoor Recreation Committee (OORC) are now open for volunteers to apply. The committee is recruiting for one member to represent the interests of people with disabilities and one member to represent members of an historically underrepresented community or tribal government. The OORC evaluates, scores and ranks project applications for funding assistance from the Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant Program (LWCF). The nine-member committee is appointed by the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department director. Each member serves a four-year term and may be eligible to serve a second term. The OORC generally meets once a year, virtually or in Salem. The time commitment varies and duties include reviewing and evaluating an average of 15-20 grant applications each annual funding cycle. The OORC’s priority ranking list is forwarded to the director of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department and to the Oregon State Parks Commission. Those interested in serving must submit an interest form to the LWCF program coordinator by Monday, Sept. 19. The form is available online at https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/GRA/Pages/GRA-lwcf.aspx#8 The Land and Water Conservation Fund Program is a competitive grant program funded by the National Park Service and administered by the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. Grants are awarded to local governments, federally recognized tribal governments, and eligible state agencies for land acquisition, development, and rehabilitation projects for public outdoor recreation areas and facilities. For more information about the advisory committee or application process, contact Nohemi Enciso, LWCF program coordinator, at nohemi.enciso@oprd.oregon.gov or 503-480-9092.