OPRD release – SALEM, Oregon — The Oregon State Parks and Recreation Commission will convene an online meeting Feb. 26 and 27. On Feb. 26, commissioners will meet for a work session and training from 1 to 4 p.m. The meeting includes a commission bylaws work session, budget development and legislative process, rule making, real estate, park development and grants. On Feb. 27, commissioners will convene an executive session online at 8:45 a.m. to discuss acquisition priorities and opportunities and potential litigation. Executive sessions are closed to the public. A business meeting will begin at 10:15 a.m. and will be open to the public. The business meeting is open to the public and will be available via livestream at https://bit.ly/oprdlive. Those who wish to make informal public comments related to any items not on the agenda must sign up at https://bit.ly/registerfeb2024commission. The deadline to register to speak at the meeting virtually is 5 p.m., Feb. 23. Time per speaker is limited to three minutes. Please submit written public comments by 5 p.m. Feb. 23 to chris.havel@oprd.oregon.gov. The full agenda and supporting documents will be posted on the commission web page. Notable requests: Requests to adopt updates to two administrative rules. (The public comment periods on the rules have closed so comments will not be taken at the commission meeting before they vote): OAR 736-010-0020- Amending General Park Area Rules to update Exclusion Process (https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/PRP/Pages/PRP-Rule-2023-ExclusionRules.aspx); OAR 736-021-0090–Amending Territorial Sea Plan Rocky Habitat Site Designation. (https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/PRP/Pages/PRP-Rule-2023-MarineplantandMacroalgaecollection.aspx). Request to approve state park construction contracts at Beverly Beach, Peter Skene Ogden Wayside, Silver Falls and Milo McIver. Request to approve County Opportunity Grant Program awards for 2024 and ATV Grant recommendations. Request to accept the donation of two small parcels of land adjacent to Brian Booth State Park from McKenzie River Trust. The land would allow greater access for employees and contractors to inspect and maintain OPRD parklands. Anyone needing special accommodations to attend the meeting should contact Denise Warburton, commission assistant, at least three days in advance: denise.warburton@oprd.oregon.gov or 503-779-9729.