Topics include telecommunications services and utility customer impacts due to COVID-19 pandemic – SALEM, Ore. – The Oregon Public Utility Commission (PUC) is holding two events on June 9 to help inform decisions on utility service to residential customers. Residential Telephone and Cellular Services – The PUC is hosting a public comment hearing via conference call on Tuesday, June 9 at 6 p.m. to hear directly from residential telephone customers on telecommunications services, and what alternative communications services they have access to in their community. To participate in this meeting, call 866-390-1828, enter passcode 2252868#. View the meeting agenda for additional details. To register in advance to comment, email or call 503-551-5290. Oregon telecommunications customers are also encouraged to participate in a survey on their services and needs online at: For assistance with the survey, call 800-522-2404 or TTY 800-648-3458. The information received from the public comment hearing and survey will help inform the PUC’s response to House Bill 3065 that passed in the 2019 Legislative session. This bill directed the PUC to investigate the continuing relevance of the ‘carrier of last resort’ (COLR) obligation placed on the state’s telecommunication service providers. The COLR obligation was created to ensure that service providers allocated exclusive service territory would serve all customers in that territory without discrimination. Comments may also be submitted to the PUC by email at or by calling 503-378-6600 or TTY 800-522-2404 (or dial 711).