The Oregon Recreational Trails Advisory Council will meet from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. August 7 at Samaritan Health Services, 525 N Santiam Hwy, Lebanon. The council invites public comments. The council will hear from many local trail managers and trail advocates on local trail projects and will review the Santiam Wagon Trail as a potential State Scenic Trail. The Oregon Recreational Trails Advisory Council (ORTAC) was established by the Legislature in 1971 to advise the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department and to promote non-motorized trail recreation and development in Oregon. The Council is made up of seven volunteer members appointed by the Oregon Park and Recreation Commission to represent the five Oregon congressional districts. The Council meets four times annually in different locations across the state. For more information about the meeting or about ORTAC, contact Rocky Houston, State Trails Coordinator, at (503) 986-0750,