The Oregon Parks and Recreation Department’s (OPRD) Scenic Bikeways Committee will meet from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Thursday, June 8 at the department’s office in the North Mall Office Building, 725 Summer St. NE, room 124, in Salem. The meeting is open to the public. One of the action items on the agenda is the five-year review of the Old West Scenic Bikeway. Committee members want to gather information on the challenges and accomplishments of the program, share that information with other bikeways volunteer groups, and identify ways for OPRD, the committee, and program partners to build on those accomplishments. The Scenic Bikeways Committee is an advisory group for the management and designation of routes nominated by the public for state scenic bikeway designation. Its 11 members include citizen representatives, tourism organizations, local governments, and state agencies involved in bicycling recreation or transportation. The meeting site is accessible to people with disabilities. Special accommodations may be arranged up to 72 hours in advance by calling 503-986-0631.