By Sean Nealon, OSU release – CORVALLIS, Ore. – The Oregon State University Board of Trustees will meet Jan. 19-20 and hear a briefing on the Elliott State Research Forest, discuss preliminary tuition scenarios and budget planning for the 2024 fiscal year and hear an update on the university’s strategic plan. The board will meet from 10 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Jan. 20 in the Horizon Room of the Memorial Union on the Corvallis campus. Board committees will meet from 8 a.m. to 4:05 p.m. Jan. 19 in the same location. All meetings are open to the public and can be attended in person, on Zoom or on the phone by calling 1-888-475-4499 (meeting ID: 655 466 888). A public comment period is provided at the beginning of every board meeting and before the board votes on any action item listed on the full board agenda. Public comment can be made in person, on Zoom or in writing at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting to For more detailed instructions visit: Accommodation requests related to a disability should be made by January 17 to or Stacy Jeffries at 541-737-3449. During the Jan. 20 meeting, the board will also discuss the Executive and Audit Committee name and charter, election or re-election of board officers and amendments to the university’s investment policy. The board will also hear a legislative update, a governance update and an update on the Administrative Modernization Program, which involves integrating and simplifying technology systems, data practices and policies to increase the university’s organizational agility. The Executive & Audit Committee will meet from 8 to 9:50 a.m. Jan. 19 to consider election or re-election of board officers; hear updates to its committee charter; and hear the 2022 progress report and 2023 annual plan from the Office of Audit, Risk and Compliance. The committee will also discuss enterprise risk management and stipends for members of public boards. There will be a joint meeting of the Executive & Audit Committee and Finance and Administration Committee from 10 to 10:25 a.m. Jan. 19 to consider the annual financial statements from fiscal year 2022 and the single audit report from fiscal year 2021. The Academic Strategies Committee will meet from 10:35 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Jan. 19. The committee will receive the provost’s report and hear a status report on academic programs in development or review, institutional accreditation and program accreditations; receive an update on the university’s next strategic plan; and hear briefings on university research and innovation work and OSU’s internationalization and global engagement activities. The Finance and Administration Committee will meet from 1:40 to 4:05 p.m. Jan. 19 to consider investment reports from the first quarter of the 2023 fiscal year, amendments to the university’s investment policy and an annual internal bank report. The committee will also discuss preliminary tuition scenarios and budget planning for the 2024 fiscal year; a revised Corvallis campus budget model; updated financial metrics to monitor the financial health of the university; and hear a report on the university’s goals and efforts related to working with small and diverse firms that provide goods or services to the university.