SALEM — The Oregon Transportation Commission will hold its regular monthly meeting on Thursday, Sept. 14, at 9 a.m. in the Maple Banquet Room of the Inn at the 5th Hotel, 205 E. 6th Avenue in Eugene. An online option for viewing will also be available. Items on the agenda include: Climate Office Update: An update from the ODOT Climate Office on the Carbon Reduction Program development and the Climate Reduction Strategy required by the Federal Highway Administration. Office of Equity and Civil Rights Update: An update from the Office of Equity and Civil Rights on the strategic movement to shift programs, policies, and projects that align with the agency’s priority of embedding equity into all facets of ODOT. 2027-2030 STIP Scenarios: Discussion on how flexible funding should be allocated in the 2027-2030 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program. Tolling Implementation Update: An update on ODOT’s work to implement tolling and upcoming decisions related to the Low-Income Toll Program. HB 2017 Section 75 Study Submission: Request for approval of the final report of the Section 75 Study, including recommendations to the Joint Committee on Transportation on moving forward. The study explores how much drivers — no matter what type of fuel they use — should pay for upkeep of Oregon highways. Meeting materials will be available on the OTC Website. How to watch or listen to the meeting – Join the meeting via YouTube Livestream: (closed captioning provided).