OPRD release – The Oregon Commission on Historic Cemeteries (OCHC) will meet in Tillamook at the Tillamook Bay Community College, 4301 3rd Street rooms 214-215, and via online meeting on July 20 at 1:00 p.m. The agenda includes discussion of cemetery record preservation, dark sky conservation and information from the state physical anthropologist. The meeting is open to the public and the agenda includes an opportunity for public comment. Meeting information is on the agenda and you can follow this link to register for online access information. At 4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m., in the same location, join us for a free presentation, Historic Cemeteries and Tourism. Nan Delvin with Tillamook Coast Visitors Association and Eileen Nordquist, local cemetery historian, will discuss the cultural draw for visitors to historic cemeteries. OCHC commissioner, Lisa Sears, will also offer a tour of historic Bay City Cemetery, 7555 Doughty Road in Tillamook, on July 21 at 9:00 a.m. The tour will include cemetery history, a monument mapping demonstration and information about recent preservation projects. State law established the seven-member Commission to maintain a listing of all historic cemeteries and gravesites in Oregon; promote public education on the significance of historic cemeteries; and help obtain financial and technical assistance for restoring, improving and maintaining their appearances. For more information about commission activities, contact coordinator Kuri Gill at 503-986-0685 or by e-mail at kuri.gill@oprd.oregon.gov. Special accommodations for the meeting – including translation services – may be made by calling (503) 986‐0719 or Denise.warburton@oprd.oregon.gov at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting. For call-in details and the agenda or more information about the commission, visit www.oregonheritage.org.