Oregon’s Landscape, Nov. 6

Oregonians will be the first to say that there is something special about the Beaver state. From the lush and exotic Columbia Gorge to a picturesque sunset on the Oregon coast, the dramatic beauty of this region’s landscapes has inspired generations of artists. Beginning November 8, the Oregon Historical Society will explore the many aspects of this beauty in the original exhibition Place: Framing the Oregon Landscape. Featuring stirring works by ten contemporary landscape photographers, Place attempts to capture the innately human aspiration to depict the relationship between our own existence and nature’s elegance. Displayed alongside the artists’ photographs will be artifacts from the Oregon Historical Society’s museum and library collections. From antique cameras to vintage paperbacks, each artifact tells a story both about the artist and the region of Oregon their works capture. According to curator Laura Valenti, “The exhibit strives to highlight the many ways regional artists have shaped our understanding and appreciation of the Oregon landscape.” Visitors to the exhibit are encouraged to share their images of the Oregon landscape with exhibition curator Laura Valenti on Instagram by tagging them with #ohsplace. Many photos have already been posted, and selected images will be chosen by Valenti for inclusion in the exhibition. Laura Valenti is the Outreach Director at Photolucida, a Portland-based nonprofit that works to build connections between photographers and the gallery and publishing worlds. The artists featured in the exhibition are Bobby Abrahamson, Jody Ake, Steven Beckly, Susan Bein, Chris Bennett, Joseph Glasgow, Thomas Homolya, Christina Laptuta, Stu Levy, and Raymond Meeks. Place: Framing the Oregon Landscape will be on display at the Oregon Historical Society from November 8, 2014 through May 17, 2015. Museum hours are 10 AM – 5 PM Monday through Saturday and Noon – 5 PM on Sunday. Regular admission is $11, and is free every day to OHS members and Multnomah County residents. Plan your visit today at ohs.org. Trainers include subject matter experts, business owners and Small Business Development Center advisors. Enrollment is limited and those interested should contact the SBDC at 541-756-6866 or mloiselle@socc.edu for additional information.