Oregon State Fire Marshal release – SALEM, Ore. – The Oregon State Fire Marshal (OSFM) is excited to announce a $2.7 million investment in wildfire risk reduction projects across Oregon. This strategic one-time investment is being made at the local and county levels through community wildfire protection plans (CWPP). Projects will happen in 25 CWPP planning areas located in Baker, Benton, Clackamas, Coos, Crook, Curry, Deschutes, Douglas, Gilliam, Hood River, Jackson, Jefferson, Josephine, Lake, Lane, Lincoln, Linn, Malheur, Marion, Morrow, Multnomah, Polk, Wallowa, Wheeler, and Yamhill counties. Projects include promoting wildfire-specific community risk reduction efforts, community education, defensible space projects, home assessments, media campaigns, signage, fuel mitigation programs, and grant funds. One of the projects is in Morrow County, which will receive money to help landowners with defensible space projects and educate community members about best practices. Project managers plan to host yard debris pick-up events and help with defensible space work. “We are happy to have the money to implement our planned work,” Heppner Fire and Rescue Chief Steve Rhea said. “Projects all over the state are worthy of this funding, and we appreciate the investment and the attention from the OSFM in rural communities.” The OSFM’s fire risk reduction specialists worked with local CWPP planning groups to determine where funding was needed. This selection process was based on actionable projects, underserved communities, and the risk of fire in or near communities. The funds are part of the OSFM’s Fire Adapted Oregon initiative, available because of Senate Bill 762. To learn more about wildfire risk reduction and response investments, visit the agency’s grants and Investments in Action pages.