OSHA Training Grants Awarded, Dec. 12

The Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Division (Oregon OSHA) is awarding three grants totaling more than $115,000 to help develop workplace safety and health education programs. The recipients include: NECA/IBEW – NFPA 70E: The “How To” Comply with OSHA Electrical Standards – NECA/IBEW will develop an online training to provide easily accessible information regarding electrical hazards, regulations, and protective equipment. The online training will help participants develop procedures that clearly identify their roles and responsibilities for safety in the workplace. Grant award: $35,239.25. Oregon State University, College of Forestry – Association of Oregon Loggers: Safe Design of Mobile Anchors – OSU will develop a fact sheet on how to properly use mobile equipment anchors in logging operations. OSU will also create and record a two-hour webinar outlining safe equipment anchor design, along with the development of a mobile app for smartphones. The materials will be available on Oregon OSHA’s website. Grant award: $39,979. Northwest Forest Worker Center (NWFC): Safety and Health in Forestry Workers – NWFC will target low-literacy Latino workers in southern Oregon. Training will be developed to address preventing traumatic injuries by avoiding slips, trips, and falls. NWFC will use Promotoras (bilingual community health workers) to help with outreach and present the trainings to the workers. Grant award: $40,000. The Occupational Safety and Health Education and Training Grant Program was established by the Oregon Legislature in 1990. Award recommendations are made by Oregon OSHA’s Safe Employment Education and Training Advisory Committee, an advisory group with members from business, organized labor, and government. Materials produced by grant recipients become the property of Oregon OSHA. The final projects are to be completed by the end of November 2015. The materials will be housed in the Oregon OSHA Resource Center and will be available online for use by the public.