OSP Memorial Day Travel Stats, June 1

Here are the statistics from OSP’s 2023 Memorial Day Weekend (Friday, May 26 to Monday, May 29, 2023)­ that occurred across Oregon. This includes the Friday, “All Patrol Day”. Where all sworn members travel the highways to increase our patrol presence during the busy weekend. The Oregon State Police has a wide range of programs and specialties our sworn ranks are in charge of, such as major crimes, tribal gaming, lottery security, arson, collision reconstruction, fish & wildlife, explosives, K-9, aviation, and more. OSP leadership makes it a priority that at the end of the day, all sworn to stay in tune and up to date with why the Oregon State Police was founded to keep our highways safe. Calls for Services – 2,417; Reported Crashes- 210; Routine Contacts- 4,180. Total number of warnings/citations for OSP’s Fatal 5; Speed- 2,415; Occupant Safety- 195; Lane Safety- 525; Impaired Driving- 25; Distracted Driving- 69; All Other- 2,570.