Are you worried about having to select health insurance? Stressed about co-pays, premiums and co-insurance? Feeling overwhelmed and confused? Coos County OSU Extension Family & Community Health is here to help! On December 17, 2013, OSU Extension will offer the Smart Choice Health Insurance workshop from 1:00-3:00 p.m. at ORCCA (Oregon Coast Community Action), 1855 Thomas Ave (behind Staples) in Coos Bay. The workshop is free and includes a health insurance workbook that will guide you to making the right choice for your family or small business. Class will be held in room 215 of the ORCCA building. Smart Choice Health Insurance is a comprehensive, research-based, unbiased curriculum designed to equip people with the tools they need to make the best decision possible for their families when choosing health insurance. Developed by a team of experts from across the nation – led by the University of Maryland — Smart Choice is the result of two years of research and pilot-testing that took place in seven states. Consumer workshops help participants learn how to analyze what they need and want from health care providers, compare plans, calculate how health insurance will affect their financial budgets, and ultimately, apply the information and knowledge gained to make a smart choice. “Smart Choice is not about recommending one specific plan,” says Bonnie Braun, co-leader of the team of University of Maryland and Delaware Extension experts that developed Smart Choice. “It’s designed to help people gain a set of skills so that they can choose a plan that best fits their family’s needs and then use that plan efficiently once enrolled.” With the Affordable Care Act in place, OSU Extension wants to help make the right healthcare decisions. Smart Choice can help you do that but this workshop is not about enrolling. To assist with that, we will have Cover Oregon materials available (the statewide insurance marketplace) and community partners on hand who can schedule personal appointments to help you enroll once you’ve made your choices. Registration is required. Classes are small to allow for optimal learning, so call 541-572-5263 ext 292 to reserve your seat today. For more information on Smart Choice, visit For more information about the workshop, contact