After a one-year hiatus, The Coos History Museum will be hosting its winter class. This 8-week lecture series “Stories Behind the Names: South Coast Geography”, will take place every Monday evening at 6:30 pm-7:30 pm from January 8th-February 26, 2024. Join Steve Greif on Monday evenings at the Coos History Museum for a deep dive into the interesting origins of local place names in Coos County. The course will offer a look at local history centered on geographic themes and the stories behind local place names. About our presenter: Steve Greif is a retired North Bend High School teacher that has written a history of North Bend High as well as a two-volume U.S. History text for students. He is a volunteer at the Coos History Museum and is extremely knowledgeable on local history topics. This program will be hosted in-person at the Coos History Museum with an admission price of $75 for CHM Members and $80 for the general public. This price covers the entire course of eight sessions. All proceeds support the Coos History Museum’s Annual Fund. Pre-registration is required as space is limited for this popular program. Reservations can be made by phone at 541-756-6320 or register in person at the museum’s front desk.