OPRD release – SALEM, Ore.–The Oregon Outdoor Recreation Committee (OORC) will meet March 23 to rank and establish a priority list of Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) grant proposals from around the state for projects to develop and rehabilitate public outdoor recreation areas and facilities. Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD) administers this federally funded grant program. The meeting is open to the public, but there will not be time for public comments during the meeting. The meeting will be held in person with an option to attend via Zoom. View the agenda for a list of project proposals and meeting information: https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/GRA/Documents/2022-LWCF-OORC-Agenda-20230323.pdf Recommendations from the OORC will be submitted to the Oregon State Parks Commission for review and approval at their April meeting. OPRD will then forward approved project proposals to the National Park Service for final approval. The OORC is made up of nine members who represent a variety of interests and are appointed by the OPRD director. The Land and Water Conservation Fund Program is a financial assistance program of the National Park Service. LWCF grants provide matching funds to state and local governments for acquiring and developing public outdoor recreation areas and facilities. For more information contact Nohemi Enciso, LWCF Grant Program Coordinator, at 503-480-9092 or nohemi.enciso@oprd.oregon.gov, or visit the LWCF webpage on the OPRD website.