ODFW release – Columbia River subarea (Leadbetter Pt., WA to Cape Falcon, OR): Anglers have the opportunity to harvest halibut at all-depth for two days in August (Aug 26 and Aug 27), and potentially three more days in September (Sept 8, 9, and 22). The nearshore fishery remains open Monday-Wednesday of each week. This subarea will close on September 30, or when quota is attained. Central Coast subarea (Cape Falcon to Humbug Mt.): The Central Coast subarea summer all-depth fishery is now open, seven days a week (as of Aug 3). This fishery will remain open at all-depths until October 31, or when quota is attained. The quota for the summer all-depth season is 68,803 pounds. The nearshore fishery quota may be shifted over to the all-depth fishery to extend the all-depth halibut fishing opportunity in this subarea. Southern Oregon subarea (Humbug Mt. to OR/CA boarder): All-depth halibut fishing opportunity remains open seven days per week as this subarea has reached nearly 50% of the allocation. This fishery will remain open at all-depths until October 31, or when quota is attained. For additional information please see our halibut website: https://myodfw.com/pacific-halibut-sport-regulations