ODFW release – Columbia River subarea: all-depth halibut open Aug 22-23, Sep 8-9, and Sep 22; Central Coast subarea: all-depth halibut 7-days per week beginning Aug 3. In an effort to maximize opportunity for anglers to harvest the Oregon recreational Pacific halibut quota, additional all-depth halibut days have been added to the Columbia River and Central Coast subareas. The Columbia River subarea will maintain a 1-fish per angler daily bag limit, with the following additional all-depth fishing days: Aug 26-27, Sep 8-9 and Sep 22. The Central Coast Summer all-depth season will begin on Aug 3, 7-days per week, with a 2-fish per angler daily bag limit. The Southern Oregon subarea remains open 7-days per week, with a 2-fish per angler daily bag limit. Reminder: During days open to all-depth halibut, longleader gear fishing OR the traditional bottomfish fishery may be combined with all-depth halibut. Use of a descending device to release rockfish is required when fishing deeper than 30 fathoms, and recommended at any depth for fish that are not able to submerge on their own. For additional information please see our halibut map and the ODFW Sport Halibut page.